
Showing posts from November, 2021


    If you have searched for the  Best SEO Training Institute , we can safely assume you know the full form of SEO and do not require full learning, within this blog itself. What you need instead is help in finding a course that will help you achieve an income. That too while— covering a range of activities that may range from scaling up your business to making a career.  Whatever be the scenario, we don’t intend to bore you with what SEO is. However, we will talk about  how SEO affects your life ; and the effect of learning it will have on your income.  SEO Training: Why Is It The First Thing To Learn? Marketing is the blood for the body that is the industry. It’s undeniable that the demand for skilled digital marketing professionals is skyrocketing. Meanwhile, over  80% of Indian Youth are unemployable . This is happening while a majority of the businesses have no other option other than relying on digital means to expand their business. If you are looking to understand how a  career

We Surveyed 25+ Batches Of Our Digital Marketing Courses: Here’s What We Learned

   Did you know? You don’t need an MBA Degree to work as a Digital Marketer. At least, that is what anyone can understand after taking one look at the job portals like Naukri,, and many others. A huge chunk of openings does not require an MBA degree. Although, what they do require is relevant experience. Digital Marketing Courses help you get just that, and that is an assurance we can give from our analysis of 25+ Batches.  Our range of students includes students as well as working professionals, and entrepreneurs. We even have Professionals who are Students themselves. These were the key learnings we were able to gather from our analysis: An MBA Degree is not a must-have for a Career in Digital Marketing. Students pursuing an MBA often look for the best online digital marketing courses because their course curriculum isn’t enough. Learnings learned in Colleges through Traditional Education end up having zero applicability in terms of careers.  There is a huge Skill Gap th


    It is a truth, universally acknowledged, that a Digital Marketer in possession of multiple Certificates must be in want of a job.  First though, what makes a proper Digital Marketer? Have you heard something like this— Surely, you can’t become a Complete Digital Marketer if you do not have: 500 Certifications 3 MBA Degrees A PhD. in Literature 20 Years of Experience Yet, all you have are a few Online Certifications! These over exaggerations were made to show you  nothing matters except—solid digital marketing online training . We will give you 5 pressing reasons.   The Ghost of Online Digital Marketing Courses Past Online Courses are Dead. Long Live Online Courses(not)!   There, we said it. “How dare you?” you exclaim! Let us take a wild guess! You are here because you now know—Online Courses do not teach you nearly enough.  Especially when it comes to a digital marketing course online in India . Surely we must be wrong?  We aren’t saying this because we are trying to make a sale.


  ‘You are Fired!’—the email read. My career has died today, or maybe it was yesterday; I can’t remember. I got an email from my old boss: ‘You haven’t been keeping to your targets & missing work. You are Fired. Yours sincerely.’ That doesn’t mean anything, though! It may have been yesterday, or it may have been today! Joining a Digital Marketing Training Institute has changed all that! —Not Albert Camus COVID ruined our lives, jobs, health, education, and almost everything. What about our careers? From massive layoffs to massive growth, the Pandemic has shown us an uncanny silver lining. We are here because we are one  Digital Marketing Training Institute in India , which doesn’t want COVID to cut you down.  In other words, we want to be the bearer of change and tell you the good news for your career! Although, you need to make sure you want to change your career.    7 Signs you are tired of your Career(Don’t Worry: Here’s a Path of Change) Waking up each day feels like a task Get