MBA Or Digital Marketing Diploma? Find Out Which One Is Ideal For You

Every Graduate or an aspiring corporate professional consider pursuing MBA atleast once in a lifetime. If you ask me, I was no exception – High-profile job roles, great packages, international trips, and what not! Who wouldn’t want this life? However, things are different now. The Millennial generation is often confused between a mainstream MBA or specialised professional courses such as digital marketing diploma or any other subject of your preference. Now let’s compare two situations. 
• Situation 1 
→ You have managed to crack those oh-so-tricky CAT or MAT exams (after spending half of your savings of a lifetime).
→ You get an admission in a premier institute which comes with a stupendous fee-structure. 
→ If not, you settle for an inconclusive MBA college which may or may not provide ‘100% placement assistance’. 
• Situation 2
→ You opt for an industry-relevant professional course such as Digital Marketing diploma, certification courses in Content Marketing, Artificial Intelligence, digital art, etc.  
→ These courses will focus on practical training (which a great professional need but lack most of the time) rather than heavy-jargon driven textbooks. 
→ You tap into innumerable in-demand work opportunities either as a full-timer or freelancer. 
I’ve bet the ranches on the second one and needless to say, I don’t regret it. While I was in my mid-twenties, I already bagged the role of a Digital Marketing Manager with one of the leading MNCs. I also managed to work as a Digital Marketing consultant at the same time and earn more than most of my peers (most of them are MBA holders BTW) 
Why talk about Digital Marketing? In a world, where even your grandfather is an active online user; all of us are directly or indirectly a part of the Digital Revolution. What’s the market scenario? 
👍 This has opened up 20 Lakh+ job roles in India. 
👍 According to a recent survey by The Economic Times, Digital Marketing has been listed under the Top 5  Professions in the world.
  • Has an MBA lost its worth? 
Nowadays, one out of four turns out to be an MBA. This has definitely undermined the position of MBA holders in our country. Unless you can afford to be a part of a premier institute, it’s difficult to gauge if you will get a job or not. Even some of the top B-Schools of India are suffering from degrading infrastructure which is, in turn, producing more and more unemployable graduates. 
Digital Marketing professionals, on the other hand, are high in demand. It is going to remain a ‘hot job’ in years to come and the picture will remain the same unless there’s a digital doomsday where everyone stops using the internet and shove off technology.  

digital marketing diploma course
Time to break through the MBA clutter?

  • Traditional curriculum vs. Latest Modules 
While MBA curriculum is replete with hard-to-understand (and remember) theories, digital marketing training focuses more on real-world practical experiences. Digital Marketing is constantly dealing with new trends and technological capabilities. Nowadays, if a company is hiring a marketing professional, knowledge in digital marketing is a must. 
  • Fee affordability – Which one wins? 
Although there are innumerable institutes that offer MBA course, students and professionals are well aware that an MBA degree holds value only when it is acquired from a top-notch business school. The course fees of these institutes start in lakhs and are often beyond the reach of the middle-class or lower middle-class bracket.  
Whereas, even the most advanced courses such as a Digital Marketing Diploma or certification is not only affordable but also assures high Return-on-Investment considering the high demand for efficient digital marketers. 

Digital Marketing certification course
Invest in great skills, not great fees

  • Skills matter, Scores don’t
What’s common between Tech Tycoons like Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs, Jack Ma, Bill Gates (and the list will go on) – All of them are college dropouts. 
So what made them the names of every household? The right skills. 
To be an MBA, you will be judged on the basis of your admission test scores. 
Digital Marketing learning is not restricted to scores. Whether you’re or 18 or 58, anyone can be a digital marketer if you have the drive to upskill. Sweet deal, eh! 
  • 2 Years vs. 3-6 Months 
A standardised MBA program will take up to 2 years or more, whereas a digital marketing course ranges from 3 months to 1 year. Need I say more? 

digital marketing course fees
2-Year MBA Program or 6-Month industry-relevant course?

  • Learn while you earn 
You can learn both MBA and advanced digital marketing while you’re on the job. However, factors and pocket-pinch are some of the factors that should be considered before you take the plunge.  
So which one would opt for? Mainstream MBA or digital marketing training? Tell us in the comments section. 
To learn more about the best online marketing training and job roles Click here


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