8 Qualities For A Career In Digital Marketing

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Digital Marketing is an indispensable skill for firms looking to penetrate markets, reach prospective customers and make it big. Whatever the size of the business, being able to digitally advertise product and service ranges or simply the brand name makes a considerable difference in the long run.
As per reliable media outlets, the value of the Digital Marketing industry will exceed the INR 225 billion mark by 2020. Digital Media is all set to produce more than 20 lakh jobs in India itself during 2020! With the digital skill gap predicted to widen in the coming years, the demand for skilled digital marketers will only keep surpassing the supply.
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In light of the above, it can be safely stated that a career in Digital Marketing is both trendy and in huge demand. But other than raw digital know-how, what exactly are the other essential qualities needed for a great career in Digital Marketing? Let’s take a look.

1. Basics of Marketing
Knowledge of Marketing in general, unsurprisingly, is imperative for a great career in Digital Marketing. People with an academic background in Marketing are already two steps ahead when it comes to making it big in the Digital Marketing Space. Even so, people with any academic background can acquire the requisite knowledge and skills and go ahead with this career. Acquiring this knowledge isn’t very difficult and we find a large number of non-marketing background individuals becoming successful Digital Marketers these days.

2. Analytical Skills
Data Analytics is an important aspect of Digital Marketing. It refers to the use of functional techniques and modern software to collect and process collections of data from various online interactions of the target market. Data Analytics helps identify the ever-changing consumer trends and choices. Today, a wide range of software tools are available for this purpose such as Google Analytics, Mixpanel, Hubspot, etc. But if the Digital Executive does not have the relevant expertise of data analysis, large stashes of consumer data are as good as useless.
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3. Writing/ Language Skills
They don’t say “content is king” for nothing. Expert Digital Marketers are able to attract and retain customers based on how they communicate with them. Writing is not only about creating attractive blogs or articulated landing pages, it’s much more than that. Digital Marketers must be able to cater to their target group with stimulating messages addressing their exact requirements so that the target group takes the exact action desired.
4. Graphics Design Skills
Pictures speak a thousand words. Good content cannot only be textual. Digital Marketing experts need to have basic graphic design skills to put some visual appeal to whatever is dished out online. Sure, a successful Digital Marketer needs not to be a PhotoShop Expert but elementary expertise will benefit him/ her a lot.
5. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) & Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Knowledge
What good is a well-written piece of an article describing how holy a product or service is if the intended audience does not end up finding it? Enter SEO/ SEM – the main techniques to drive traffic to websites. Nothing can substitute a conceptual understanding of these techniques to make sure a brand or a business is visible on the web.
With major search engines like Google constantly updating their ranking algorithms, it’s getting tougher by the day to keep pace with the ever-changing requirements. So a Digital Marketer needs to figure out how to stay one step ahead of the competition so that his/her website stays at the desired place in the search results – at the TOP!
6. Listening Skills
Proper engagement with the target group is the key to success. Communication is a two-way street. What many brands often focus too much on is just content and more content. Sure, content is important – but what is a tad more important is to listen to the target audience. How customers are reacting to content, what their feedback is, what changes they’d like to see – all these are valuable inputs a Digital Marketer cannot afford to miss. 
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7. Social Media Skills
It goes without saying that Social Media is at the heart of any brand nowadays. But Social Media today is very challenging. Connecting to the target market takes more than just creating a business page, using the right hashtags, or regularly posting entertaining and relevant content. Take Facebook ads for example. Without a proper understanding of how the ads work, the Marketer may end up spending more on ads than he/she needs to and fail to reach the right audience.
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8. Determination to Learn
As stated before, Digital Technologies and techniques are constantly evolving. A strong will (or lack thereof) to learn and adapt can make or break a career in Digital Marketing. A Digital Marketer needs to be dynamic and ready to take decisions on the go. This means that he/she has to be perma-ready to assimilate knowledge as and when they come his/her way.
Do you feel you have what it takes to make a great career in Digital Marketing? What are you waiting for then? Act now and find out today!


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