Digital Marketing Expert Tips: How To Be Productive At Home
It would not be an overstatement to say mankind is going through an unprecedented crisis. Yes, I’m talking about COVID-19 which has affected more countries than two damn World Wars did! Various countries have taken precautionary measures to make sure the spread of the coronavirus can be prevented further. Digital marketing experts around the world have played commendable role in spreading the message online too.
India, as we know, has been greatly affected by this virus. This is the current scenario as of the time of writing this blog.

In light of this, the Government of India has taken a commendable step towards stopping the spread of the virus – which is to initiate an almost nationwide lockdown for 21 days commencing from 25th March 2020. Digital marketing experts and their target audiences alike, everyone is spending their time holed up at their homes these days.
Now, these professionals, especially digital marketing experts with 9-5 or so jobs are naturally finding it out of place to sit at home all day. The level of productive output they are used to is not achievable at home, understandably.
So what should be the modus operandi of professionals, particularly digital marketing aspirants to maximize productivity at home? Let’s hear it from some of the digital marketing experts.
“One Year Rule”
This one is my favorite. This rule can be understood if you ask yourself the following question: “What will I regret not having started today in one year’s time now that I have some spare time?” This is self-explanatory. To be at the top of your professional game you need to understand that your skillsets need constant up gradation in whatever line of work you are in. So you need to constantly look for ways to upgrade yourself whenever you can, like now.
And this holds true especially in the case of digital marketing experts. They need to learn new technologies, keep tabs on the changing needs/ wants of the target audience, devise better digital campaigns and tweak those marketing strategies.
The Daily Highlight
This is another simple yet effective method to increase productivity. As the name suggests it refers to chalking out a single big task to accomplish per day and concentrating on it till it gets done. This task might be anything – learning a new skill online, researching competitors, cross-examining your leads, reading that book you’ve always wanted to. Do what suits you but take it easy – one main task a day, one day at a time.
To-do list
Well, this is a trivial tip, but effective nonetheless. Just like those grocery lists (without which I forget half the things and end up getting scolded by my mom š ) prepare a list of the things you’re planning to do or passionate about. And then keep it somewhere close to your workspace to have that quick peek whenever needed. Plan ahead to prevent wastage of valuable time. Plus there’s that psychological push too, every time you look at the list you’ll know you cannot afford to procrastinate.
Parkinson’s Law
The law states that “work expands to fill the time we allocate to it”. It is a psychological observation that has been scientifically proven (hence gotten the status of a ‘law’). What this implies is that the more time we allocate to a work the more time it actually takes to complete it. Take the night before an exam or a deadline for instance – we suddenly inherit magical powers of productivity and endurance from nowhere and just get things done! On the other hand, many of us tend to procrastinate or just not be productive enough if we know we have sufficient time in hand. So those wanting the eke out extra productivity during this period, just allocate a shorter time to a task than you think would be needed to finish it. Trust us, this works!
This technique, when combined with the above two, will make for a solid anti-procrastination strategy which will definitely boost your efficiency during this period.
Hit that productivity sweet spot
Not everyone is productive at all times of the day and this is a biological fact. If you’re a digital marketing professional, you probably spend a whole lot of time sitting in front of your digital devices. This possibly creates a lot of eye and back fatigue (at least in my case) which can degrade both your productivity as well as your health, which is undesirable. So take quick and regular breaks in between your work which you can easily afford to as you’re not in a hurry. And more importantly, identify those periods of the day in which you are uber-productive and exploit those periods to your heart’s content!
So there you have it, some curated productivity hacks for future digital marketing rockstars like you. These can be very useful for anyone looking to up their productivity game, in this rare lockdown period going on now. Happy working!
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