Effective Tips To Avoid Spam Subject Lines Within Minutes
Avoid These Phrases Or You Might Just Lose Your Email Campaign!
“69% Of Recipients Report An Email As Spam Based On The Subject Line Alone”

Emailing is a great source of communication both professionally and personally. It is also a potential platform for marketers to campaign their event for promotions. Emailers or Newsletters are of the most popular and extensively used marketing strategies adopted by all businesses.
Email serves as an active tool for
- Event Planning
- Sending Out E-invites
- Manage Event Sale
What is a Spam Filter?
Spam filters (embedded in emails) help in removing junk mails out of users’ inboxes. Unfortunately, in some cases, Spam Filters sweep away valuable emails because of certain key phrases. But no marketer can afford to let their emails get flagged as spam.
You can avoid such situations by carefully selecting the words in your email’s subject line.
In 2020, Spam Filters are more sophisticated than ever.
Curating a strong, original, and relevant email subject line is as important as the campaign itself.
Event marketers use multiple email formats for
successful even promotion | maximize audience engagement | generate profits
Here are some of the email formats that event planners are using to promote their brand-
Informative | Invitational | Promotional | Update | Feedback
Creating the perfect email can be overbearing but, the first point of your email contact mustn’t go in vain. Therefore, you should take all necessary measurements to prevent your emails from tumbling into the Spam Folder Death Trap.
What happens when your email subject lines are compromised?
- High chances that your mail will land up in the Spam Folder
- This means, your email is unopened and invisible in the user’s ‘Primary’ inbox
- Also, the email would be in trash and deleted before your user gets a look at it
To Address The Above Issue, Here’s A Guide To Curate The Perfect, Spam-free Email Subject Lines
- Avoid beginning the email Subject Line with Have you, Do You, Want to…?
A receiver’s spam filter can easily detect phrases like do you, wish, want to? The spam score for such words is high and triggers the spam detectors. Instead,
* Use subtle words that support the intention of your brand
* Example: Sign Up, Enrol, Meet-Up, Let’s, Free, Report, Guaranteed, Exciting, Earn, Names, Bulletin, New, Daily, Weekly - All Caps is a No-No
Writing your subject line using All Caps is not only rude but also, a big-time spam scorer. All Caps can easily put your email in the trash folder and reduce the open rate % of your emails. Discouraging as it may be, try form your subject lines using catchy phrases in sentence case for maximum attention. Example-
- Get your Grammar, Content & Punctuation Right
Not everybody can write a flawless sentence with grammatical or punctuation errors. here’s what you can try
- Use 1 to 2 punctuation in your subject line and not more.
- Using punctuations like exclamation ‘!’ at the end of the subject line while you’ve already used question mark ‘?’ can create a major setback for your emailer.

- You can use attractive expressions such as–
- You won’t believe what we have found!
- What are cosy evenings like? Come Find Out @the Lalits
- Jaw drop and Eyes wide open deals @Myntra!
- Take help of writing software such as Grammarly, Pro Writing Aid, Ginger, Sentence Checkup, PaperRater etc. Plus, get an expert to proofread your content before putting it out publicly.
- Avoid misleading subject lines to gain attention. Your email content should coincide with the subject line.
- A Strict NO for Keyword Stuffed Long Sentence
Using emoji in email subject lines will generate audience engagement and get the highest read rate/open rates of your email. Always text your emojis before sending out the email so that it doesn’t look like this → ☐. You can copy-paste emojis and symbols from anywhere into your email subject line
Here are some options that you can repurpose to beautify your emailing experience!
More Tips for Best Emails!
After reading this guide, chances are you will be able to draft better email subject lines with the right words, content, punctuation, and sentence formation. For more information, check out our digital marketing courses that’ll help you create perfect email newsletters with maximized reach.
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