Find Your Sweet Spot In Social Media Marketing (Part – 1)
Wondering how to use social media to advance your skills? Well, you are in your right mind. Social media marketing is getting stronger every day. The parallel demand for social-media marketer is equally high to meet the brand-standard. However, there are challenges concerning the functionality of different social-medias among netizens.
Today most of us are wondering how to exploit the perks of social media marketing but stuck with some basic mix-ups:
- What kind of post should I use?
- When will be the right time to post I? or,
- What content would create impactful results and how should I use tweeter to voice my actions?
In this article, I will walk you through some of the most powerful aspects of social media marketing and how you can use it to your benefits. But before we jump into the main context, let’s understand some fundamentals of social media marketing in the current culture:
Top 4 Reasons Why Net Citizen Are Using Social Media Like It’s A Full-time Job
These days, social media is beyond posting selfies and writing poems. Even while it is fun, millions of businesses are multiplying their profits using various marketing strategies rooted in each social platform. Starting from communication to selling products, social media never runs out of innovation to surprise their audience.
- Social media lets you Discover trendy ideas and internet movements.
- It integrates communication with new & existing addressees like never before.
- Generates real-time traffic to your page/website and maximizes your visibility.
- Helps you streamline, modernize, and boost your brand.
The social media is an ever-evolving platform & it’s important to keep up with the trends to optimize your content for maximum exposure.
Exclusive Social-Media Marketing Tactics
Facebook- the largest social media revolution loved by everyone around the world.
Facebook has over 2 billion active users who are constantly connecting, influencing, affiliating, informing, and achieving their goals. Tools you can explore:
- Facebook Live: to broadcast your message in a global platform within seconds, share Q & As, video broadcasting and relevant events.
- Facebook Marketplace: specially made for marketers to post ads, product sale, housing and services to reinforce their ‘buy & sell’ quotient.
- Facebook Questions: a niche to gain insights into your ideas by sharing the same among your friends and to the world.
- Facebook Business Tools: the Facebook business tool has made it easy for numerous brands to operate independently and generate followers to their page.
With 2.5 billion monthly users, you will have access to a huge email list, reduce your marketing expenses and target your audience by interest, demography, and location.
Facebook allows you to:
- Share information through posts, article, videos, images, live streaming, contest etc.
- Connect you with the field-specific influencers
- Understand audience demand and strategize accordingly
- Affiliate with companies/organizations from similar fields
Twitter- a microblogging platform that is inviting meaningful conversation since inception.
Twitter has more than 320 million users who can post image, text, video within 280 characters. Components:
- Retweets (RTs): a sharing feature to comment upon/share other’s post
- Tweet: your sharing spot
- Replies: a feature that allows you to respond to other’s posts and continue the conversation
- DM: Direct message is used for individuals as well as for groups- also called Group DM
Twitter can help you with-
- The real-time developments in your forte.
- Sharing, mentioning, and becoming a part of a global conversation
- Twitter’s live video tool to share your video and start an interaction
- Twitter Polls- a cool feature for you to provide users with four choices via polling to map your vision.
LinkedIn: a professional social media customized for career buffs.
LinkedIn is the ideal professional social networking platform that is providing job opportunities to millions. Almost all business and industry heads (with company profiles) are present on LinkedIn. It is one of the best career management tools accommodated by the option of job-searching. LinkedIn offers several features from employment to generating sales leads

As A Fresher, You Can Explore Linkedin In These Ways
- Expand your network, gain influence, and start your business/job-search
- Display your experience & expertise
- Use recommendation tool to receive and provide an endorsement
- LinkedIn advertising to promote your brand among corporations, build company page and engage customers
- Getting a deeper understanding of company networks, job-postings, and people.
- Use can always use the LinkedIn premium plan to start experimenting on the powerful features that are ten times the above 4 points.
There are other significant social-media platforms such as YouTube, WhatsApp, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat, Telegram that can add a great value to your profile.
Skill-Up on social media marketing through a comprehensive digital-marketing training course & I will share more on the other channels in my next social-media blog. Stay Tuned With Us!
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